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Vaginal Dryness: Why It Happens and What to Do

Vaginal dryness can happen for many reasons. It may be caused by menopause, childbirth, breastfeeding, or even the use of certain medications.

If you are experiencing vaginal dryness and want to know more about it before trying any treatments, then this article is for you! This post will give information about what causes vag dryness and how to treat it.

What is vaginal dryness, and why does it happen

Vaginal dryness is when your vagina is less lubricated than usual. A change in your hormone levels often causes it.

You can get vaginal dryness if you:

  • go through the menopause
  • are breastfeeding
  • take contraceptive pills or antidepressants
  • have your womb removed (a hysterectomy)
  • have cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy

All of the above can cause a change in your hormone levels and affect how much vaginal discharge or fluid you have.

Vaginal Dryness: Why It Happens and What to Do

You can also have vaginal dryness if you:

  • are not aroused during sex
  • use scented soaps, washes or douches in and around your vagina
  • have an underlying condition, such as diabetes or Sjögren’s syndrome

How to tell if you have vaginal dryness or not 

Symptoms of vaginal dryness include a sore and itchy vagina, pain during sex and needing to pee more than usual.

How do you get rid of dryness down there?

Treatment options for vaginal dryness include:

  • use vaginal moisturisers for vaginal dryness – you can put these inside your vagina to keep it moist
  • use unperfumed soaps and washes around your vagina
  • use water-based lubricants before sex – put these in and around your vagina or on your partner’s penis

Tips for preventing vaginal dryness in the future

Here are some essential tips to help you reduce vaginal dryness:

  • do not use scented soaps, washes and any douches in and around your vagina
  • do not put creams or lotions like petroleum jelly inside your vagina, as it can cause an infection
  • do not use moisturisers that are not for your vagina

There are many options for treating vaginal dryness – from taking supplements to using lubricant during sex. If you have any questions about how best to treat your specific situation, it’s worth speaking to a qualified medical practitioner or pharmacist.

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