Answering sensitive questions

Period hygiene tips

17 Ways to Stay Clean During Your Period

faceless woman showing menstrual cup with tender white flowers

We all experience that time of the month at one point, and it’s not always a walk in the park. For many people, their period can be uncomfortable and messy.

Remember: there is no such thing as a ‘perfect way of staying clean during your period because everyone’s bodies are different. However, these tips should help you take care of yourself to stay healthy and comfortable throughout it!

Menstrual cup. Periods, eco alternative

12 Hygiene tips during your period:

  1. Try menstrual cups. They’re great at holding a lot of blood and can be worn for up to 12 hours.
  2. Keep your hands clean, primarily if you use sanitary towels or tampons when bleeding heavily. Wipe from front to back when in the loo so bacteria won’t spread onto your vaginal area.
  3. Avoid scented products such as detergents and soaps – they can dry out your skin and cause irritation, making your period even more uncomfortable than it needs to be!
  4. During menstruation, women’s bodies are naturally more sensitive because their pH balance is down-regulated to prevent pregnancy during this time (and we all know how emotional we get around our periods!). So don’t share anything with anyone else until after you’ve washed it thoroughly.
  5. Try to use the same towel for a few days for ladies with long periods, so none of your blood is wasted! Remember: you can wash towels in boiling water once you’re done using them. If you’re experiencing particularly heavy flow or are worried about staining through on clothes during menstruation,
  6. Try to replace tampons with pads. Tampons are associated with Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), a severe infection caused by leaving a tampon in for too long. If you choose to use them, change them every four hours and consider using the lowest absorbency possible as some people’s bodies naturally produce more menstrual fluid than others’.
  7. Never wipe from back to front after using the toilet. This reduces urinary tract infections and yeast infections when bacteria get on your fingers while wiping after going to the bathroom. Make sure you also wash thoroughly after changing a pad or a tampon – remember that blood is dirty!
  8. Use unscented products. Scented feminine products can irritate your private parts – which will increase odour!
  9. Don’t use soap on intimate areas; special cleansers are available, especially for washing around someone’s genitals if they find regular bathroom soap too harsh. Try eating yoghurt daily – studies suggest that women who eat two cups a day report less menstrual pain than those who don’t eat any yoghurt at all. This works because good bacteria in yoghurt helps keep odour causing bacteria at bay. Also, consider taking vitamin B and calcium supplements to reduce your period pain, especially severe! Take a bath or shower during your period – not only will you feel fresher, but the warm water can help with any menstrual cramps or backaches that might be bothering you. Plus, studies show that women who take baths have less menstrual blood loss than those who don’t frequently bathe while menstruating. Always change your pads/tampons regularly even though they may seem dry on the outside; this reduces infections caused by wetness against the skin for extended periods (such as yeast infections).
  10. Wear dark coloured pants instead of lighter colours. This reduces odour and any visible stains on your pants from menstrual blood seeping through them over time! You can also try period pants.
  11. As mentioned before, period pants are a good option for staying clean during your period. They are designed with a particular layer that absorbs menstrual fluid, preventing seeping through onto your pants.
  12. Wear cotton underwear – they absorb moisture more than other types of fabrics and reduce odour! You can also try reusable cloth pads to make staying clean easier. Look for underwear that consists of an inner (cotton) lining, a washable and water-resistant outer shell that’s made out of breathable fabric like nylon or polyester. This will give you the same protection as disposable pads don’t contain any chemicals or chemicals plastics that could damage delicate vaginal tissues.
  13. If possible, sleep on white sheets during this time of the month, so stains will be less noticeable if they do occur! Also, try sleeping naked whenever possible because pyjamas trap heat and moisture against the skin, leading to irritation and infection. Try not to share towels or other items that come into contact with your body – this reduces bacterial growth and spreads germs!
  14. Try to avoid wearing tight clothes – this includes underwear, jeans or other clothing that is too constricting as it may cause irritation which can lead to infections down there.
  15. If you are someone who experiences very heavy periods, consider investing in an overnight protection product such as absorbent underwear (such as Modibodi) that help keep you clean and dry all night long. Always remember to change out of these products so you can let your skin breathe!
  16. Keep yourself clean during sex. It is vital that you feel comfortable with your body before having sex, or it could be an unpleasant experience for both of you! Make sure not to douche as this damages the healthy bacteria in your vagina. Remember, your vagina is supposed to have a mild odour!
  17. Plan and have a supply of sanitary towels or your menstrual cup handy. Keep the emergency kit in the bathroom next to you but out of sight from anyone else who uses it too. If possible, keep a spare set for work as well. You’ll always have one available when needed. Have an extra pair on hand if necessary – this is especially useful during heavy flow days where multiple changes may be required throughout the day! As long as they are not visible, storing these items neatly inside a bag will make them easier to carry around without drawing attention to yourself or making others feel uncomfortable about their comfort levels with menstruation products. Make sure that no tampons appear outside your body by wearing tight-fitting underwear at all times (i.e. no visible strings hanging out).

For more helpful articles like this one, including breastfeeding tips, staying fit during pregnancy and how to avoid post-pregnancy stretch marks (among others), follow our blog here today!

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